Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Change of career

Hi folks its been awhile and for that i am sorry, you will see why in a moment, i have decided to change the format of the blog, it will also contain my new venture which is hand made jewellery i hope you dont mind, i will also be blogging about the other things in my life but beads and wire seem to have taken over some what in the last three months.

I will be posting regular photos and if you see anything you like you can leave a message here and i can get back to you or you can see if i have posted it on www.etsy.com/shop/asjjewellery1
I hope you like what i've made i am going to be doing fairs and hopefully start doing jewellery parties but i need to get some confidence for that so that might take longer.
well thats it for now thanks for looking

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Its been a while

Well its been a busy 6 weeks of school holidays but now we are all back into our normal routine and the feeling of not enough sleep.

Over the summer i have been going to a bead workshop every week to learn new technics with wire and beads, by lust for this is meaning that quite a lot of money has been spent buying those must have beads and tools, this has forced me to think about selling some of my made items, this has thrown up some very unusual problems, which site to use, what are the fees, how do i take a good photo (trust me this is the hardest part) and what do i charge, after much deliberation i went with Etsy.com, their rates are managable and the site is for hand-made items but looking at the other sellers makes me reconsider this idea, but i have given myself to after christmas to see if i get any interest, so please feel free to visit my shop i will be adding more things in the next few days so please pop back when you remember the web address you need is www.etsy.com/shop/ASJJewellery1.

Thank you for looking

L. xxxxxx

Monday, 30 August 2010

Bank Holidays and Jewellery making

Happy Bank Holiday everyone
Well i have been busy making some new jewellery pieces i was given a great opportunity to sell some and with the money i made i have been out and got more beads, wire and tools and these are the latest things that i have made please feel free to contact me if you fancy any of them, or if you just want to comment.

Thanks for looking


Wednesday, 4 August 2010

jewelery made

these are some items i have made over the last few weeks just wondering if i could sell any? comments would be appreciated.

Thanks for looking

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Sad news

After only just posting news that the baby finches were doing well i found one dead in the avery, it seemed to be the smallest one out of the three, and the others so far seem okay so fingers crossed that the other 2 stay healthy.

I have removed the Bengalese finches nest as the egg had been in there for over 3 weeks and the parents had started to leave the nest so i felt it was safe to remove it, but tonight the babies are perched on the feeder and the parents and foster parents are in the box so not quite sure what we can do about that i might need to add another box for the babies to go into at night.

Well thats all the details i have at the moment, thanks for looking


Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Growing up fast

Well its been a couple of weeks since i last reported on the little finches and i have to say that everything seems to be going really well they are the same size as the parents and are now able to eat from the feeder so the noise level is slightly lower, which i am sure the neighbours are very pleased about.

The egg in the Bengalese nest has not hatched so i think its infertile so if nothing has happened at the end of this week i think i will remove the nest so that we don't have anymore babies.

We also have two new additions to the family totally unplanned we went to see the animals in a well know pet store and saw two Chinese hamsters that we all fell in love with and so they just had to come home with us, we have named them salt and pepper but they are very nervous and wont climb the tubes to go to bed they sleep in the tubes, hoping that they will settle in in a couple of days.

On other news should be able to get onto the allotment for the first time on the 1st Aug, its a daunting task clearing but if we all get together hopefully its should be fun working together. I will take photos and post them as we go along, nothing will be ready until next year for planting so its going to be a hard winter hope the kids are up for spending time in the great outdoors.

Well thank you for looking take care


Friday, 9 July 2010

first flight

Well i came out of the back door first thing this morning i saw the largest of the baby finches sitting on one of the perches so i had missed the maiden flight but then it took off for me to watch its so exciting and also there is news from the nest of the bengalese finches there is 2 eggs in the nest but not sure if anything will happen as they have been such good foster parents to the 3 finches already born time will tell. I will keep you posted.

Thanks for looking

Thursday, 8 July 2010

How time flys

Hi there

Just thought i would do a quick update on the baby finches its only been a week and they have grown so much managed to get a photo this morning as they were waiting for their breakfast. They are really looking like birds not pink things with the odd feather, they should be ready for their first flight anytime soon as they usually leave the nest after 3 weeks hope i get to see it.
Well thanks for looking

Sunday, 4 July 2010

A little crafting

After watching the wonderful Barbara Gray i had the urge to get the brayer out and start practising for my workshop with her in August and these are the cards that came out. Let me know what you think good or bad.

Thanks for looking

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Some good news

This morning i had some good news regarding the allotment that myself and some of the local community are starting up the council have sorted out the problems that had come up and hopefully in a couple of weeks time i should have my plot at the moment it has 8ft brambles covering it, but we may have a chance of council help to clear, fingers crossed for that.

On other news which is also good the baby finches survived the night and i managed to get a photo this morning as you can see the three chicks seem to be doing well unsure about the 4th chick time will tell, but i think its time for me to leave well alone may just check on growth once a week.
Thanks for looking

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

What a day

Had a great morning at LWCF this morning feeding all the animals we picked fresh peas and beetroot that still are not ready in our own garden so it was nice to get fresh veg from somebody else,
I have been lucky enough to have two pairs of finches one bengalese and one Zebra, the Zebra pair have started to breed and as far as i can see we have 4 chicks they must only be a week/10 days old and we have been watching the parents closely to see if they are looking after the babies, well in the last 36hrs they seem to be neglecting them, not brooding them at night i have seen the male bird peering into the nest which makes the chicks call out, i am in a dilema as to wether i interfere or leave nature to take its course, i would hate to loose these chicks but have no idea what to do about rearing them by hand i have looked on the web but they all seem to suggest that Zebra finches are very good parents so at the moment i am going towards leaving them alone for at least another 24hrs wish i could record them 24/7 to see whats been going on while i'm out.
Well i will keep you informed and also will try and get a photo of the chicks.

Thanks for looking any comments appreciated

A morning at the farm

I am taking the twins to our local community farm we like feeding the pigs and the goats letting the sheep into the fields and collecting the chicken and duck eggs, its nice to help the farm in this way if you get the chance to goto a community farm pay a visit

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Welcome to my new blog i hope that i will keep you all entertained with what goes on in my little world, please feel free to leave me comments good or bad and i will try and answer any queries.

thanks for looking
