Monday 12 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas is well and truly upon us, and if you are like me there still seems to be so much to do before the big day, but one thing that has been done is the decorating of the tree thanks to the kids i came home and found that it had been done so i was chuffed to learn how to make these cute wire and crystal angels that add touch of glamour to any tree or you can have them sitting on a shelf,  I have made lots in different colours, if you have a colour scheme that you would like an angel done in then please shout and i will see what i can do, Well all that's left is for me to say Merry Christmas and i hope you all have a lovely time and i will see you in the new year.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The world of Tiara's

Welcome to my blog, as you will have noticed it has a new name, i thought it was more appropriate if trying to show case jewellery to have a new name so here it is, hope you like it.

Now Tiara's seem to be the accessory of the moment so i thought i would show you a few styles that have been made over the last few weeks by myself and my friends, i hope you like the styles and colours, prices start from £20-35 and again if you would like details then please e-mail me.

Thanks for looking and i hope you liked what you see


Friday 11 November 2011

Midnight sparkle bracelet and rainbow sparkle earrings

Well its getting close to that time of year when people are after that special something to give as presents and two perfect items i think are here.
 First we have the Midnight sparkle tila bracelet, this is perfect for that little black dress it shimmers in the light thanks to the 4mm swarovski crystals down each side it was lovely to make and i am seriously considering making one for myself but i don't have a little black dress to wear it with, but i am sure it will look just as good with jeans.

Next is the lovely rainbow sparkle which is named for obvious reasons that it has the most beautiful colours in swarovski crystals it also has silver seed beads spiralling around peacock blue seed beads, then finished with silver plated ear wires.

These are two really nice pieces and i hope you like them, if you feel like you would like to own either of them then please take a look at

Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Its been far too long

Well blow me the last time i did a blog post was a year ago and it was only when i had somebody remind me today about the blog that i thought goodness i haven't logged on for a while never did i believe it had been a year, so for that i appologise. A lot has happened in the past year most i will not bore you with, but as for the jewellery making ASJ Jewellery has had two school sales and i have also done a demo at hobbycraft, but with the ecconomic climate it is tough getting the business off the ground, but i like making so will keep on and if i sell pieces then i class that as a bonus.

I have two shop pages one with Folksy and one with Etsy so please feel free to take a look for ASJ Jewellery.

The latest bracelet i have made which i am happy with is a pearl and crystal wave wire bracelet and matching earrings.